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The Basics of Fundraising

The beginning steps of running a fundraiser are exciting and full of high hopes. Whether you’re starting from scratch on your very first fundraiser or are a well-versed pro at fundraising, things are always changing and it’s a good practice to take a step back and review your process before starting anew.

Here are a few tips for running a successful fundraiser.

Find The Right Product 

An important step in organizing a fundraiser is choosing your product. Some organizations have a standard product they sell each year and that creates a branding opportunity in itself. Holiday Wreaths are a great example of a product that works and is attractive to fundraising groups year after year. While your organization doesn’t have to be locked into one particular product, it is a good idea to find something that meets consumer demand. The primary factor driving your choice of product should be your audience. Take some time to think about who you’re going to be fundraising to, and what they are interested in.  What are they most likely to purchase? Put yourself in their shoes and make your product decision from their perspective.

Create a well-laid plan 

It’s important to craft a detailed plan for your fundraiser. This should include a timeline for each milestone, as well as each person’s duties and responsibilities. Be sure to regroup regularly to ensure every team member is doing their part. This will keep the fundraiser progressing on schedule.

Each committee member should be given a written copy of the fundraiser’s mission and goals.

As the planning process progresses, it’s easy to get so caught up in making sure products are delivered and events are successful that all involved parties forget about the end goal.

Promote Your Fundraiser

There are many different ways to promote your fundraiser, but your community and social media are the closest and easiest ways to get started.

In the Community

Your community is your closest and most loyal audience! If you are running a church fundraiser or your fundraiser is tied to church members or activities, get the word out by writing a small promo in the order of service, printed newsletter or email newsletter. Get out on foot and ask if you can set-up a table in a social hall and post flyers around the community to promote your fundraiser further.

Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to quickly and easily get the word out about your fundraiser. Facebook and Twitter are great platforms for stirring up interest, especially if you live in a more populous, urban neighborhood. There are several neighborhood social sites popping up too, such as Nextdoor. Check to see if there’s one for your neighborhood.

Your neighborhood could also have a digital newspaper where you can post about your fundraising efforts. Don’t be afraid to utilize all of the social platforms that are relevant to your audience! More on social media and sales later.


When your fundraiser has officially wrapped up, it’s time to celebrate your successes and all the efforts that went into making it great. Most nonprofits utilize volunteers to accomplish fundraising goals without spending extra money. As part of a fundraising campaign wrap up, show your gratitude to the people who worked so hard by giving them a little thank-you! This can be in the form of an inexpensive pizza party, an awards ceremony with gifts, a simple thank you note, or a unique recognition event.

There is so much detail, work, and planning that goes into a successful fundraiser.  For a full-fledged list of tips that will ensure success, download our FREE ebook today!